Changelog 2.4

Wow, can't believe I'm updating this. Anyways. This update includes a variety of things, though mostly small updates and tweaks. Let's go over them.

+ All starting units have increased base defenses and defense growths
+ Ally units in the final map have had slightly increased stats
+ All second tier classes have had their HP and stat values adjusted, so that they get either +5, +7  or +9 HP depending on general tankiness of the class as intended along with +10 distributed amongst their stats.
+ All green ally units should now have second tier class additional stats
+ Adjusted the stats of some weapons
+ Adjusted the mapchip and character combat images for a few classes
+ Added new music to the final map that's definitely 100% not stolen from FE7 again
+ Added said music to the music gallery
- Removed Herobrine
- Enemy movement changes mean that the final boss will now actually fucking move around to attack you. Lmao good luck.
- Increased enemy unit cap per map to 200, please have fun clearing out the final map :)


Link Burden 163 MB
24 days ago

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